Poetry Book Giveaway 2010 for National Poetry Month!

***Update! Congratulations to Evie Shockley, of may I have a word with you?, winner of Edward Hirsch’s The Living Fire: New and Selected Poems and Stacy Lynn Mar, winner of Good Woman: Poems and a Memoir 1969-1980 by Lucille Clifton. I will be contacting both of you shortly so I can get your books sent to you. Thanks to everyone for visiting and commenting!***

April is National Poetry Month and Kelli over at Book of Kells came up with this great idea for a poetry giveaway. What if bloggers all over the world gave away two books of poetry this month to their readers — one of their own, and one from a poet they admire? What a wonderful way to discover new poets! I had to join in.

Now, I don’t have a book of my own in print yet, so I thought I’d give away books by two poets that have influenced me:

Good Woman: Poems and a Memoir 1969-1980
by Lucille Clifton contains “Homage to my Hips,” a marvelous poem that taught me to love my curves. I had the pleasure of seeing Ms. Clifton read her work at Duke before she died and I have a signed copy of one of her books in my collection (sorry, I can’t bear to part with that one!).

The Living Fire: New and Selected Poems by Edward Hirsch is my second, although no less worthy, choice. I really wanted to give away Wild Gratitude, but it isn’t in print right now. Edward Hirsch came to speak to my writing class in college when I was just 17. Wild Gratitude had just come out and the world had no idea how big Hirsch’s influence on modern poetry would be, although I suspect that my poetry teacher might have had an inkling. I wrote a poem in response to one of Hirsch’s and he signed my copy of Wild Gratitude acknowledging my poetic response. As a poet, that signed book is one of my most treasured items (again, another book I can’t bear to part with!).

Please leave a comment on this post only by April 30th if you’d like to win one of these books. Be sure to include some contact information. I will choose two names at random with the help of my husband, Itinerant Cryptographer (he’s handy with numbers). I will draw the names on May 1st and announce the winners here, on this blog post, by May 2nd and I will try to reach you then. As soon as we make contact, I’ll order your book and have it sent to you. If I can’t reach you by May 5th, I reserve the right to draw another name.

Be sure to drop by Book of Kells — she’s running a list of bloggers participating in this giveaway along the left-hand column of her blog. The more blogs you visit, the more likely you are to win a book of poetry!

Happy Poetry Month! Good luck!


  1. I love both Lucille Clifton and Edward Hirsch, and don't have the copies you are offering. Thanks for being generous, and the chance for me to win one of these!


  2. Thank you so much for this opportunity – such a great idea! I produce the Vermont Poetry Newsletter & Poetry Event Calendar, so am looking forward to promoting your book, if I'm lucky enough to be a winner! Ron Lewis


  3. Hello, My name is Donna Bloss and I am from Ireland, a trying poet! Is there any advice you can give to a possible relation? cheers and the best of luck with your writing, either way šŸ™‚


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